My own feeling is *never having put a vr headset on* the cost-benefit ratio is way off, such that it will never reach market scale but will always be a luxury curio. Then there's the headset issue itself, another showstopper (IMO). Xenophon makes a good point about the eye watering, display-spanning resolutions which require a meaty, and pricey gpu to do justice. Anyway, it's all above my pay grade. I like playing games on an ordinary 2d display on an ordinary pc that's not tethered to my head* well enough. In fairness, one could level similar complaints to almost any amusement you could name. It could be sour grapes, but I'm not really tempted in the first place that I even want to test out the experience.
*um headphones though
EDITED: 4 Nov 11:39 by DSMITHHFX