Does it support some sort of ethernet over USB whachumacallit? Or can it be connected directly to your router? It's got USB3.
Possibly, worth a look. Though think the USB3 may be for connecting it to a computer as an external drive, but to be honest no idea since it's an odd little device.
Good news, it's in the UK at Atherstone RDC, hopefully arrive soon enough.
Are you sure it's only 100Mb? I can't see anything that says otherwise, and a YouTube vid that seems to discuss that NAS says it is Gigabit Ethernet.
Not sure about anything with this device to be honest!
I will find out when it arrives and I'll give it a thorough review, then probably brick it installing Open-WRT.
Been stung for customs. That adds £13.58 to the total (£8 handing fee!!).
Anyone else seen an increase in customs charges lately on stuff from China?
I've had many very expensive items slip through without checks or charges in the past. Lately I've had a couple of relatively cheap things (<£50) get charges added.
Not sure if these Chinese sellers have started declaring things correctly and not as £2 and a gift!
We got a $25 web cam shipped to Ca, no added charge. It did take ~3-months.
Well it's arrived, and it's a fairly well built unit.
US power supply though.
One large issue, ethernet doesn't seem to be working :@
Wifi does, but don't want to risk installing openwrt if ethernet is screwed.
Same model #, not sure if it's the same device (video shows attempting to connect via mobile app):