"What's your own media player of choice, Milko Bar Kid?"
realistically nowadays, Spotify for most of the time. Discover Weekly gets me through a lot of the week very nicely. In the office da kidz choose the music so I'm all hip to the latest London trends, innit. We've recently had a CD revival in the house as li'l Dylan is able to get to grips with that pretty nicely (faves: Mr Scruff, the first Gorillaz record - he's probably dated by when I bought a lot of CDs although that last one is Tina's). We had a big old iPod Classic hooked up to speakers for a while too.
I've got Kodi/XBMC on a Mac Mini lined up for playing MP3s but it's a good long time since I used it for that, it's our main way of watching TV/movies at the moment. Having just a couple of nights ago wired in a reasonably fancy sound system I should probably give it another go.
EDITED: 30 Apr 2019 11:00 by MILKO