Whalp, curiosity got the better of me so I started in on 5. First off it had to install a ton of D3d and dotnet whatnots (alarmingly a "Windows 8.1 update"), then it rebooted into a blank screen. After a hard reset I was finally able to launch the actual game.
The intro logo video was choppy, though nice to see it's a product of my hometown, at least partly (Toronto/Montreal).
In video options, it was preset to all lowest on 1280x800 (on my hd1080p display) except for the AA. I dialed that down a notch, which showed up right away in the 3D-engine rendered darkened church scene as odd highlight glitches, but at least without stuttering -- my rig is barely up to this monstah.
The opening sequence followed the familiar canonical FC escape path, and I have to say I liked this start better than those of 3 and 4, partly because I all ready knew what to expect, partly because it was just a better job all around (practice makes perfect I suppose), and the story is based on some kind of reality I can directly relate to. The night forest, busted-up cabin shootout and wild pickup chase scenes are perfect, and thus far I really like the guns. The rednecks are armed to the teeth like most rural Americans, stupidly brazen, aren't bullet-sponges, and can be dropped by one or two hits anywhere in their bodies.
EDITED: 17 Feb 2019 12:16 by DSMITHHFX