Last week I bought a NAS and some spanky 6TB drives. All's been going well, except for the case fan.
Last time I powered it up, there was a cthonic grinding sound, so I thought a wire was being hit by the fan blades. It stopped after a few seconds, so didn't think much about it 'til the NAS started beeping and a notification popped up via the web UI saying the fan had stopped working.
After taking the fan out, it's obviously a bearing problem, it'll spin a bit, then get stuck and the motor can't overcome it. I've got a replacement fan from work, which I'll stick in tonight. Unfortunately I've torn through an aluminium sticker to get the cable out. I thought the sticker was there to hold the cable in place in lieu of a cable tie, but after reading Synology's replacement guide, there's a bit about replacing the sticker after putting a new fan in (the attached pic is from the guide). I'm guessing it's there as some sort of grounding for the ethernet port, but I'm not sure. There's enough unbroken sticker to go from the case to the top of the port, so it'll still make the connection.
Is it important? Can I live without it, or will it mean the end of mankind as we know it?
EDITED: 28 Feb 2017 17:01 by GRAPHITONE