That would be a wifi temperature sensor using an esp8266 module.
I'm going to try laser etching a pcb (Well, the mask anyway, still needs to be dumped in ferric chloride to remove the copper) tomorrow. No vias or through hole plating but should be good enough for my needs.
I should have just ordered the PCBs rather than wait for the parts that still haven't arrived.
that's what i thought... i keep meaning to get around to making a few of these to monitor the house + feed back the data to somewhere.... are you battery powering them? (I'm fairly sure the circuit diagram doesn't tell me this... )
be interested to see how you get on (i'll notice your reply next time i swing by in 2 years time no doubt!)
Gah. I have about a hundred quids worth of stuff floating around somewhere. Need a hyperloop to China :C
Every building should have a mini hyperloop for deliveries, linked to everywhere else in the world so items can be sent straight to your home quickly.
I've currently already got sensors in various places using Arduinos+nRF24 transceivers+ds18b20 temp sensors. They make up the temperature part of my central heating setup. They're powered by USB supplies. Not made anything that is low-power enough to run long enough off batteries, though that would be the ideal situation, but plugging them in isn't an issue where I've got them located.
Just thought I'd give the ESP8266 modules a go because they're dirt cheap and my wifi network is better than the nRF24 system. Hopefully they'll have better range and reliability.
cool; what do you do with the data ? send it somewhere? and how does it control heating.... made something?
A Raspberry Pi receives it and sticks it in a mysql database.
I've written a script that is run every minute and works out based on various factors whether to turn the heating on. Target temp, current temp, target room, whether I'm in the house etc.
The boiler has an Arduino, relay and 433 MHz receiver, that's the heating switch. The RPi transmits a 433 MHz signal to turn that on or off.