I'm looking at the history.js, but it may be overkill and I'm reluctant to pile on another library. Anyhoo I may end up going down that road.
The tricky(er) part I've encountered is needing to do two seperate things: rewrite mydomain.com/ to mydomain.com/index.html (so ensuing ajax calls are bookmarkable), and mydomain.com/something.html --> mydomain.com/index.html#something
Simply chaining:
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.html?$ /index.html#$1 [R,L,NE]
RewriteRule ^$ /index.html [R,L]
throws it into a loop.
Edit: hmmm, nope. After fixing a misplaced [L] flag, the htaccess seems to be working fine*. The loop was being caused by a js $.get statement which fails spectacularly (and mysteriously) if an include can't be found, in this case due to a misconfigured path, by 'get-ting' the entire index page instead, even though I was using a jqXHR .fail statement that works fine in other .get instances in my script. I managed to work out a kludge:
if ( !data.match(/^<DOCTYPE/) ) { [do the good stuffs] } else { FOAD }
*on my staging server...
EDITED: 3 Sep 2015 16:46 by DSMITHHFX