Fuck you Kos, stop deliberately spawning Skynet..
I did that on Friday with lego mindstorms ev3.
Yup. It has two bad motors but I have replacements on the way.
I am going to build one myself I think. You will have to keep us updated on the one you are building!
Are you sure it's the motors and not the ESCs?
Yeah, I've tested each connection with working motors.
Yeah! I have received my new HD keychain camera and my FPV kit has been shippped, so I hope the motors come pretty quick so I can do some FPV flying!
Oohh, nice. I'd like to try a bit of FPVing (YJ?). Lucky it was only the motors that were damaged after being in the water so long.
It looks like a blast! Yeah I'm pretty lucky that that was the only thing that got damaged.
Hopefully you won't lost signal when you're flying around somewhere you can't see and LOSE IT FOREVER!