A stiff clit has no conscience either. I still think you're excusing the men and the 'stiff prick' thing is an example of that. Men are animals when they're aroused and can't be expected to think straight but women are what? Passive observers during sex and should be expected to think straight?
You keep re-iterating that it's generally the woman who bears the brunt of the consequences and, while of course I agree, that's irrelevant. Suggesting it ought be more the woman's responsibility
inherently absolves the man.
many women - 40% or more - report to not have been using any form of birth control when being counseled for abortion.
That is
not the same as 'using abortion as birth control' which strongly implies habitual, planned behaviour. Things happen in the heat of the moment. Yes, it's stupid, but that's kinda the point. "Using abortion as birth control" implies forethought and in such situations there clearly was none (which is the problem).