1. the issue is that, in this case, IE 10 could not register more than one click on an entity via an external javascript*, even
$('#entity').click(function() { alert('clicked') };
It would respond to the one click only then stop responding, unlike all other browsers which displayed the alert every time it was clicked. I was only able to fix this for IE by applying an inline <div id="entity" onclick="myFunction();">.
2. I'm not making this web page for me, or other developers who want to have a looksee at code. No, it is for Joe Average web visitor who can't be expected to do such a thing,
not even for this very, very special web site. So yeah, your developer tools suggestion is a non-starter.
* in fairness this is not quite as straightforward as it sounds: I was shoehorning a submenu into an existing css list/js drop-down menu (someone else's baby, which doesn't natively support submenus) loaded via php include. Also in fairness, no other browser blinked at this trivial task.
EDITED: 26 Aug 2013 20:11 by DSMITHHFX