Yup. I used to be in favor of the death penalty, but we've made so many mistakes, ie, killing innocent people and finding out after the fact, that I can't support it anymore.
The bottom line is that to be in favour of it, you've got to say it's ok to take a human life. Don't think I could ever sign up to something like that.
There are times when I think I could, and could actually probably do it. But I know I'd regret it. There are just people we'd be better off without. Someone who is nothing but evil and does nothing but harm others has no other purpose. Granted, they could change, but probably wouldn't. Those are the people I don't have a problem being killed.
It does matter if you have guns or not.
Yes, if someone wants to kill someone they will probably manage it with or without guns being easily available but I still think someone has a better chance of surviving a knife attack than a gun attack.
One of the two people involved in the incident apparently had a gun. So obviously if you want to get hold of one over here it is possible, as has been mentioned many times before.
I just won't ever think legal gun ownership like in the US is ever going to be a good idea. The thought that people like those would have easier access to firearms is frightening to me. More crazy people with better access to guns is never a good state of affairs.
Whilst gun ownership might act as a deterrent I honestly believe it also results in people living in constant fear.
Then you look at the aspect of kids accidentally shooting each other. There's definitely been a number of stories like that in the news lately. What's all that about?
That's all about gun owners who don't take responsibility and keep their gun locked or someplace a child can't get it.
I don't live in constant fear. I like to pretend that the mere site of me puts other people in fear. It makes me feel powerful.
And there's plenty of people who are totally irresponsible so not letting them near guns legally is a good thing.
If not being able to own guns legally means the irresponsible parents can't buy them and it also means it's more difficult for the crazy people to buy them I'm more than happy to be totally unarmed.
I honestly believe that if we could legally own guns over here then last night someone else would have been killed in the aftermath with the likes of the EDL making their presence known.
Well there's another side to that. If you don't allow people to legally own guns you are only addressing the people who follow the law. Now you have an unarmed population who can't protect themselves from the people who do have guns. The people who have no intention to follow the laws. Removing every gun from the planet is impossible. And now we are able to print them on a 3D printer, it's going to get real ugly.
It would be much uglier if everyone had guns.
It may be a view which you can't grasp but I am more than happy to be part of the unarmed population.
No, you're right I can't, because I've been around them since birth. So it's just something we have. If you're taught right from an early age there isn't anything to be afraid of and you know to respect it.
I kinda wish nobody knew anything about guns but it's too late for that.