The paragraph formatting looks different in Lite/Mobile mode. There's no gaps between paragraphs. CSS change needed?
That thing I was saying about HTML <em>not working</em> in the quick reply box? Well, it's <b>not working</b>.
Is it not
seems it is for me
Hmm, then <i>why</i> isn't it working here? (chrome 23 on mac)
Trying it in <b>Safari</b>.
And in Firefox, where I notice the quick reply box is quite a bit bigger.
The quick reply box for me no longer has the formatting tools. (Did Matt go back to an old version?) Do you need to clear your cache or something?
Well that's interesting. HTML in the quick reply box works in Firefox on OS X, but not Safari or Chrome.
Toolbar is there for me on QuickReply. You only get Bold, Italic and Underline though.
(Bloody Macs)