Put the thread on ignore if it's getting on your tits.
No one's said it's getting on their tits. Myself, I'm enjoying reading it. There's nothing inherently annoying or objectionable here, it's just your seeming inability to engage in human discourse that frustrates people.
There's maybe 4,000 Floyd googlers who disagree though.
Literally no fucking clue what that means. But in the context of the internet 4000 people is like saying 3 people in China agree with me.
Isn't the fact I've singled out Iceland in the last few posts enough.
No, you fucking ridiculous loon. Iceland is a volcanic island. Any moron can say "at some point in the future there will be a significant tectonic/volcanic event in Iceland". That's not a prediction by any stretch of anyone's imagination.
*women's institute
How about you stop failing to be funny and tell us who you actually think 'they' are?