Hmm, the installer should do the IIS connection automatically.
(Since you've mentioned Tomcat I assume you went for the version with the installer?)
You can change the path in server.xml
xml code:
<Host name="" appBase="webapps">
<Context path="" docBase="/path/to/webroot"/>
The server.xml is inside tomcat's conf directory.
For Windows/IIS, the docBase would be "c:/inetpub/wwroot" by default, I think?
The appBase setting you can leave alone (even if it's different), but it should be there, or you get WEB-INF directories all over the place (you'll get just one in your webroot if it's working normally).
I guess you've probably only got one Host record so far, (for localhost), you can either add/modify the Context tag for that, or go ahead and add a new one at the same level, (and you can use IP address if you don't have a domain).
Make sense?
EDITED: 19 Apr 2011 12:44 by BOUGHTONP