So what is going on with the tunnel now then? I've not been on for a few days properly.
And getting longer. I dug out the centre line yesterday to get as far as the left-hand bend to take it towards the old spawn. The rest of the tunnel is getting close to the bend, but it depends which side of the tunnel you're standing on as to how far away it is. The right-hand side is probably 500 blocks closer.
Please draw a map, on the map.
It's well past the bend. Middle bit is about 700ish away from z=0, which I think is almost at the spawn point.
Blimey. What time do you go to bed?
Notch isn't adding beds until 1.3 next week.
Xen - have you got those crazy red stone torch flashy light things at Xenohouse?
Yeah, they should still be there. Is there a probblememem?