We could do with another update. The block lag in 1.3 is making me cry and I could really use those corner stairs on Helm's Deep. :-)
We could do with another update. The block lag in 1.3 is making me cry and I could really use those corner stairs on Helm's Deep. :)
We could do with another update. The block lag in 1.3 is making me cry and I could really use those corner stairs on Helm's Deep. :)
Could we do with another update?
I think so. The block lag in 1.3 is making me cry and I could really use those corner stairs on Helm's Deep. :)
We could really use an update! Helms Deep is making me cry and I'm turning into corner blocks!
And the lag, oh God, the lag!
God damn it, I thought it might have posted twice but I kept getting a gateway timeout error so I couldn't find out.
God damn it, I thought it might have posted twice but I kept getting a gateway timeout error so I couldn't find out.
how do you travel between worlds (I know it's in the thread somewhere)
I am sure I was in the 2012 world, but I spawned back in the main world - with no inventory!