no worries, it'll all come right in a day or two (possibly ;-) )
I had a quick poke around in 1.8 and... it's underwhelming. What do y'all think?
not that impressed either
Jake has been killing endermen for their pearls all evening, water hurts them so he chucks a bucket of water on the floor, stand in the middle and makes them come to him - not a scary as billed :(
Hahaha, I like endermen just because they're like... built-in mild griefers. And that's cool. Shame they're not on peaceful (being essentially non-hostile) because non-peaceful bores me.
I also updated without thinking about it but using Ant's bin folder asks me again if I want to update which I said no to. I can't connect to the server though, says something like Internal client error: javaexceptionblah, 503, etc.
503 is what the dodgily written website returns when it's overloaded with people trying to log in.
So even if I've logged in on the main screen it still needs to connect to the minecraft server when connecting to teh server?
Well, no. It doesn't need to, strictly speaking, but I think because the server has a whitelist and due to the way it has been implemented means that's what it does.
Used to have this problem on a regular basis before (like every Friday evening), but now it's only really around new releases when there's a lot of simultaneous connections.
Right. I had assumed when people said they were having the 503 error it was when logging in on the first screen, nit the server connecting bit. Obviously lots of people trying minexrsft with 1.8 now released.
Given it a more substantial go now and... yeah, underwhelming as all fuck.
What this game needs most is: more block types/processes/stuff to make.