A few of us were talking on the mine the other night and the consensus was: Compasses which point to spawn are not much use how we play but compasses which point North would be kinda handy. Apparently it's an option in bukkit. If no one strongly disagrees, could you flick that on?
If you can find the option I need to change I'll happily do it. Can't seem to find what to change yet.
The latter is how I actually expected the compass to work, so I'm all for that.
I do like the idea of a magical compass that always points home though. In real life that is. Would definitely come in handy.
Though at the times when it'd be useful you'd be too pissed to use it anyway :Y
Don't we all have a piece of string we follow when we're pissed? I always seem to end up home.
I never had that. When I used to drink I tended to end up in peoples' gardens, stealing their ponds.
I think Jon knew what it was so I'll wait for him to say something. I just googled it and ... I don't understand what I'm looking at/for :Y
Is it worth me checking the log? Or was it more along the lines of "there's a setting that Ant can change to make the compass point north"?
I believe he tried it in console and it said "you do not have permission to blah blah". Search the logs for 'north', should do it.