I have always assumed that the blocks on the map represent the chunks in the world, which could be 16x16
everyone else: I came to find out about the grey shaded bits and you have no clue :(
maybe they are bits that have been explored but not visited recently?
This is the map at full zoom for me, flying over what I think is Xen's masterpiece. So, does each square represent 1 block in the game world?
dunno, but that messes up my theory about the grey areas
Aye, there be people in there - though the grey bits could be areas /you've/ not explored recently.
Impossible, the online map is essentially anonymous.
Hmm - so why block out large areas of the map at all - what purpose could it serve? :-/
Nah, it's just the updated map plugin draws darker than it did before. So as people re-explore areas they'll all get darker until it's all the same.
Right you are.
Carry on. :|
the black bits? chunks don't exist until someone goes there