I was looking at the dynamic map the other day - how many blocks does each one of the squares represent - I'm assuming it's not 1-1...
Uh, depends how zoomed in you are?
Oscar: higher squares are shaded in a lighter colour, if that's what you mean?
If you zoom in, you can see individual blocks in what looks like pixels.
The resolution stays the same for me when I zoom in - the blocks just get bigger, but don't resolve to anything smaller making it look hugely pixellated. :(
By squares, I mean the square map areas, not individual blocks. I don't know if the map shows exactly the same for everyone but if it does; there are 4 black squares to the right of where I am right now, followed by a regular 'lit' square, followed by two 'shaded' squares.
Both of you post screenshots!!!
The 'shaded' areas seem to be happening since Ant updated the plugins so there seems to have just been a change in how the map renders. So eventually the whole map should be more like that I think.
Not seen that before. :/
Dunno what it might be.
Yeah that seems to be a "new" thing.