Yeah, it was a pain in the arse to stem some of the lava flows without getting rid of it completely.
I was going to let people change the weather but Drew moaned.
Let him moan. Always sunny works for me. Night and rain suck ass and the rain kills my laptop. Must really need to generate those drops or something!?
the rain was pissing me off a lot last night, real hard to light fires in the rain
I would like the option to turn rain off, mostly cos it lasts so long, I'd be ok with showers but it just rains all day :(
Maybe where Notch lives it really does rain all day, so he thinks that's normal (giggle)
On Friday, I spent over an hour in a car with torrential rain hammering on the roof and pretty limited visibility.
It was less annoying than Minecraft rain, by far.
If it was brief showers, with less noise and rarely/never more than an in-game hour, that'd be fine - still cause snow in snowy places, without annoying everyone too much.
I like the snow though, maybe if rain was turn-offable by people in-game and then Drew could enjoy it when he is on ?