For anyone that wants it...
Teh Mine setup:
Server: CraftBukkit, latest recommended build (
BackupPlugin - creates a RAR'd backup of the world files every 30 minutes to a seperate hard drive. keeps the 5 most recent ones.
dynmap - dynamic browser based map
Essentials - provides basic functionality like /item etc.
EssentialsChat - extends chat functionality
EssentialsGroupBridge - no idea
EssentialsGroupManager - permissions management for players
EssentialsProtect - anti-griefing stuff
EssentialsServerlist - multi-server support
EssentialsSpawn - errr, think that allows each player to hav ea custom spawn point or something
HeroicDeath - "fun" messages when people die "JonCooper fell to his death" etc.
MinecartMania Complete - the 9 plugins that are included in the complete download on their page, makes mine carts fun
MobileAdmin - lets me admin the server via the MobileAdmin app on android market
WorldEdit - makes huge wooly spheres that stop Jon logging in when set on fire :$
The plugins should all be found here:
I think the cock up last time I updated stuff was because Essentials has been changed -I think all the Essentials stuff which was seperate mods is now in one mod (which most of it should have been anyway tbh).
EDITED: 3 Apr 2011 11:34 by KOSWIX