God you're a rubbish server admin. How much are we paying you again?
Screw you, hippy :C
It's not my fault that the rest of the internet hasn't got a connection like mine :C
I downloaded a combine x86 and x64 iso (couldn't find the original one at first) in about 20 minutes earlier, but there's fewer seeds ont eh x64 only one :(
Mother /fuckers/.
I've download /two/ Win7 x64 ISOs, and both of them have been fucked about with so much by the script-kiddy cunts that uploaded them that you can't access the fucking recovery tools. Whatever boot option you choose from the F8 menu it automatically goes into the installer at the choose which disk/partition to install on.
/Dicks/ :@
Try this: http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/
It's just the recovery mode, so it's only 165MB, but I presume you should be able to use it to repair the installation.
Worked, server is back up \o/