minecraft.net is back online
any preference as to where clearance is done?
I'm going to go hunt around for a suitable area (i.e. make sure it's not going to collide with anyone's structures, but also isn't too far) and then create a warp point there.
Once I've done that I'll put a central marker, and if you could start clearing ~200..250 in each direction from that marker that'd be great. :)
btw, here's a satellite view with 1m = 1px = 1 block
The yellow bit is the main area, and we can add car parks and roads and stuff at the end, if we feel like it.
I don't think you mean 450m², that's only 21mx21m.
The beautiful white lines represent the towers/warp points.
What do you think?
How about a 1/32nd scale instead? :| :| :| :| :|
Maybe somewhere that's a bit closer to sea level? Just a thought. I don't really know of any alternative sites.
That was the flattest place I could see. :'S
The scale/distance is the main problem though. :/
Going 250 in each direction would be HUGE, so might do it 2m=1 block instead. :S
Until we decide for sure what we're doing, if anyone wanting to help clearing only goes to ~100..125 in each direction, that'd be good.
That way, it's not wasted effort if we decide to go half size, but still useful if we decide to go full size.