I guess you've discovered since you fixed it? I stood inside the woolly doorway and typed "/setwarp pool", but then actually warping there was sending me into a small underground cave somewhere below.
On a related subject, my reason for doing it in the doorway was to make sure it stayed safe - when I first went to /home to get out, I was suffocated - presumably wherever I had my home set to was built over or something - and I've noticed the same thing has happened to warps before, so I was wondering: are there any bukkit plugins that can check to make sure the warps are still valid, and either fix or block ones that end up underground?
Possibly. Have a look on the bukkit forums and let me know if you find any plugins for it :D
Just standing on the high-rise diving boards watching the sun rise. Gorgeous. Brilliant Minecrafting everyone!
And Bub too, I keep meaning to mention that. You've made some fine shit :Y
Hehe, Bub was easy, just a direct copy of the sprite from the arcade version.
Could we add sjgslack to the white list?
can you change me back from 'NotSoInvincable' please
no-one knows who I am, including me
Type /nick joncooper and you'll go back.
cheers :)
though, I did like being invincible, can't go to the bottom of the pool anymore
Hopefully my subtle name change on you made you realise your god mode was disabled /before/ you got to the bottom :D