I can honestly say I'm not in debt!
No credit cards, no loan, no mortgage.
Allthough I do still live with my mum and don't really have many bills to pay. I tend to save my money if I want stuff rather than getting credit. I like to think I'm pretty good a spotting nice deal as well.
I also tend to walk to work and back most days (about 2-3 miles) rather than pay for sheffields rather crappy public transport. I don't drive as is just seems like a black hole for money with fuel prices nowadays. I'm a Linux geek and therefore have no software costs. Working at Insight also means I get my 'pooter hardware at cost price +vat which is nice.
In fact, I wonder where all my money actualy goes. I think the vast majority of it goes on food, beer, and taxis when I'm too pissed to walk. Oh and some charity or other, I forget which. Maybe I ought to keep track of things one of these days...