Actually, no, it seems to go.
Paul: "post"
others: "cynical & typically 'teh' reply"
Paul: "gets wound up"
others: "mentions the fact that paul wants to join the police, as if that is some kind of reason for Paul to not have a reason for getting pissed off"
You know, other than mentioning my attempts to join the police in a matter of fact way I've not actually said anything that relates at all to it since I came back here, but people keep seemingly mentioning it to me like as if my having an opinion about things or getting wound up with geeks on the internet is in any way related to the way I would be with a uniform on. I've not said anything that would suggest that I would not be fair when dealing with people & it sucks that I can't have an argument without someone saying "mleh mleh special police, mleh" FUCK YOU!
Saif: In 1994 I was 15 & not really that fussed about anything outside my circle of friends & more worried about what band I would discover next or when my next band practice was. Sorry.
"Sat in a park drinking white lightning, eating magic mushrooms and generally smacked of his tits before he became born again?"
Seriously, fuck you. This is more of the same. I chose to cut out drink & smoke & the rest and I dont give a fuck if others do. That has nothing to do with my opinion. And I never took smack.
I came back last month (after being pissed off one too many times) to see if any of the people who I wondered about & enjoyed the ramblings of were still here & still ok & they seem to be in a fashion, but unfortunately the people who are self important & cynical arses seem to still be cynical & self important arses (& I am one too, but I realised that this place seemed to make it worse)