Xen updated it, apparently. So, um, welcome to the Grand Unvailling of the possibly but probably not complete update of the Bestiary, etc.
Message 2226.843 was deleted
My famous tendency to be a stroppy twat.
Could be worse. You could take ages to respond.
Yay for Amazon customer reviews! \o/
Well, there's a request on b3ta.com for Amazon randomness, so I think they'll be mentioning it in the newsletter soon or something. I figured I'd better get it up again (yes, John) so that people would remember just how far ahead of the zeitgeist we are round here.
hehe, sig made me laugh. So... how many guitars/can/you shake a stick at!
A quickly conducted experiment reveals that it is safe to shake a stick at 4 basses and 2 guitars (plus the remains of a third). That's all I had to hand, and I'm not entirely satisfied with the size of stick I was shaking.