They are brilliant!!
And the thread is back as well!
Bloody loads. I'm being paid £7,500 for the twelve. Though that's inclusive, so my research trip had to come out of it (about £300), and materials (only about £300, for musical instrument grade boxwood courtesy of Prince Charles - well, Highgrove estate, anyway), and blades (£150 and rising)
Message 2226.335 was deleted
Message 2226.336 was deleted
It will not die, as long as I have balls to offer my lovely friends.
What do the balls with the flat carvings look like?
I can't imagine the shape overall.
The middle photo is of the two halves assembled.
what is with this thread? i remember reading it last term! it has survived all of my easter holiday, and still appears to be going strong!!!!
Message 2226.341 was deleted