You are the wood-god :D
And eeef for working on them that tiny, with the ammount my hands shake doing stuff like that, I'd need to work on balls with 5m diametre!
They would be bloody impressive, mind
How much are you charging them for that kind of work? I wish I had some sort of something I needed done in wood, if I did I'd have you do it.
They are brilliant!!
And the thread is back as well!
Bloody loads. I'm being paid £7,500 for the twelve. Though that's inclusive, so my research trip had to come out of it (about £300), and materials (only about £300, for musical instrument grade boxwood courtesy of Prince Charles - well, Highgrove estate, anyway), and blades (£150 and rising)
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It will not die, as long as I have balls to offer my lovely friends.
What do the balls with the flat carvings look like?
I can't imagine the shape overall.
The middle photo is of the two halves assembled.