Andy Black shits on girls. He's a bit of a ledg'.
Andrew, have you been drinking? Lots??
The internet does seem the place for photos of your balls. As for "scat" I'm assuming you're refering to vocalizing either wordlessly or with nonsense words and syllables as employed by jazz singers who create the equivalent of an instrumental solo using only the voice, and brought to an artistic height in 2134 by some Scott named Trigger who killed enough brain cells to only be able to communicate in this manner.
He also does a mean barbershop baritone, but in kitten heels.
no, it was forced upon me.
Is this the right thread for reporting errors in Milko?
Is there an error in me? I'd prefer people to just tell me face-to-face about that sort of thing, but here will suffice.
I was just checking for future reference.