1950 starts with a, ahem, bang when Truman announces plans for the hydrogen bomb, whilst McCarthy accuses everyone of being Communist, and he's just getting warmed up. The US lands at Inchon, sweeps up the the 38th parallel, and reckons they're doing alright, and carry on a bit into North Korea. A bit too far, actually, leaving the Chinese to get a bit twitchy and come in, which they do, really well, and push the line back down the 38th parallel. MacArthur suggests that 'about 50 atomic bombs' should scare them back a bit.
Not to worry, though, because the remote control gets invented this year, which will no doubt ease some inter-ideological tensions the world over. Although T.S. Eliot's speech against TV seems a bit doomed, now.
Edit: Oh, and my dad was born.
EDITED: 15 Jan 2005 12:48 by ROWAN