Message 2226.188 was deleted
That is a nice thing. What's it for? It summed up mine and Kenny's weekend quite well though.
I just kinda made it then. S'only a couple of squares and 3 lines of code.
I do kinda like it though :D
Heee. Would've also made nice visual background for a few of the acts, especially if it was done in time to the noises. Rar!
Yes, but they're clearly a gateway drug.
It's true. I hear that Saddam Hussein and President Mugabe have extensive Eagles collections, and swap bootlegs and rarities.
And George Bush has attended actual /concerts/.
Perhaps The Eagles is/are The Great Beast of Revelations.
Well, it's all right there:
"...And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like Don Henley, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle."