Message 2226.156 was deleted
I've been having sleepless nights because of this thread. Any sleep I managed to get has been plagued by nightmares of an undead, undieing thread wandering Teh land harrasing young virgins and elderly nuns. Hopefully, now that it's fading away, I'll be able to sleep easy once again.
Nah, look: four new posts.
It is rather early in the morning. On Sunday.
But he's old, he's probably been up since 4am waiting for the paperboy to bring his Sunday Times or something.
Aye. Things get a bit leaky at his age, so he probably gets up every couple of hours to go to the toilet anyhow.
Cheeky fucks. A hearty Sunday morning shag followed by preparing breakfast for five, and I'm now upstairs sweating away over my balls, if you must know. I come down to make a refreshing cafetiere of Douwe Egbert and what do I find? Cheek and insurrection, that's what.
Frankly, I think the tone of this thread has plummeted, and I would suggest a return to The Eagles to add a little much needed class.