Idle Chit ChatFavourite British cheese (of the edible variety)

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Favourite British cheese (of the edible variety)

Mild cheddar: 9 Votes (20.93%)
Strong "character" cheddar: 15 Votes (34.88%)
Cheshire: 1 Votes (2.33%)
Lancashire (creamy or mature): 1 Votes (2.33%)
Caerphilly: 1 Votes (2.33%)
Wensleydale: 1 Votes (2.33%)
Double Gloucester: 3 Votes (6.98%)
Red Leicester: 5 Votes (11.63%)
Churnton (yeah, right): 0 Votes (0.00%)
Derby (with or without sage): 0 Votes (0.00%)
White stilton (with or without other stuff): 1 Votes (2.33%)
Blue stilton: 4 Votes (9.30%)
Blue shropshire: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Welsh Goats cheese (eg pant ys gawn): 1 Votes (2.33%)
Cottage cheese.: 1 Votes (2.33%)