Idle Chit ChatFavourite British cheese (of the edible variety)


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 From:  Darren  
 To:  koswix     
6505.49 In reply to 6505.39 
You're so gay.

Actually, that reminds me of an ad for some boring cheddar on Irish TV. There's a guy in a cheese shop spouting shite all day like you just did to customers saying things like "it's knows what it wants, but it's not too self-aware" etc.

The he goes home and has cheddar on toast.

Cue: "Golden Vale - none of yer fancy stuff".

I was born with glass bones and paper skin.
I break my legs every morning and I break my arms every afternoon.
At night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Darren     
6505.50 In reply to 6505.49 
All that's in my fridge is some Iceland Red Lester(I can't spell that :|) and a camambert that sara's mum got me from macro for not-very-much-at-all.

I have to know all that shite though, because I sell cheese to peopel who generaly know almost as much as me. And because I love cheese :$

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  LordPaul     
6505.51 In reply to 6505.42 
If I'm still working at Harvey Nicks I'll bring some, but if I'm not then it will be too expensive :(

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  LordPaul     
6505.52 In reply to 6505.42 
I could probably make some skunk philli.... if I could get any skunk up here :(

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  LordPaul  
 To:  koswix     
6505.53 In reply to 6505.52 
hehe, hmm <puts on shopping list>


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 From:  kara  
 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.54 In reply to 6505.1 
I never had a british cheese...
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 From:  Darren  
 To:  kara     
6505.55 In reply to 6505.54 
WTFA....... oh, sorry.

I was born with glass bones and paper skin.
I break my legs every morning and I break my arms every afternoon.
At night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
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 From:  No. 6 (SIMON)  
 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.56 In reply to 6505.2 
I will admit to philadelphia and ham in bagels...
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  No. 6 (SIMON)     
6505.57 In reply to 6505.56 
Forgive me, Simes, I read it as 'paedophilia and Ham in Bagels', which does not strike me as a legitimate combination as a lunchtime, or indeed any time, snack.

(hey, I think I've just set off Echelon. No talk about international terrorism for the next five minutes, chaps.

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  The_Apprentice  
 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.58 In reply to 6505.1 
Where is Brie ???????
Some of the finest Brie comes from Somerset.
Not forgetting some excellent Cheeses from Frome (in Somerset :P ), which also happens to have an excellent cheese festival every year.

The soft cheese options are scarce :(

Quotes lead to "Repetitive Phrase Syndrome"
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Manthorp     
6505.59 In reply to 6505.57 
You're not alone. :|

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp     
6505.60 In reply to 6505.57 
Not just me who read it like that, then?


Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  The_Apprentice     
6505.61 In reply to 6505.58 
>>Some of the finest Brie comes from Somerset.

No it doesn't.

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  ALL
6505.62 In reply to 6505.59 
Interweb age paranoioa, perhaps?

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  Gobfounded (YVE)   
 To:  The_Apprentice     
6505.63 In reply to 6505.58 
I stuck with 15 options and stuck with innately british cheeses - or else I could go on forever.

As I only used 15 options, I also stuck with commonly available cheeses that you can get in most supermarkets in most parts of the country.

If I was going to represent every option possible, I would have needed over 400 radio buttons.

Now with extra curves.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Manthorp     
6505.64 In reply to 6505.62 
That or twisted minds. :S

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 From:  No. 6 (SIMON)  
 To:  Manthorp     
6505.65 In reply to 6505.57 
You fool! The stormtoopers will be at teh door any moment now!
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
6505.66 In reply to 6505.64 

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  No. 6 (SIMON)     
6505.67 In reply to 6505.65 
Just blame it all on Dan(Mohamed) ;-)

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  Ally  
 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.68 In reply to 6505.2 
Anyone that likes Mild Cheddar should be shot. Fact.
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