Idle Chit ChatFavourite British cheese (of the edible variety)


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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.24 In reply to 6505.19 
OK, let me rephrase what I said. All my favourite cheeses have reletivly high fat contents (except Brie, which is normaly around 45%.)

And I am well aware of the processes involved in cheese making.

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Cyril (TEHFISH)     
6505.25 In reply to 6505.20 
Have you tasted every cheese in the world?

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Gobfounded (YVE)   
 To:  Cyril (TEHFISH)     
6505.26 In reply to 6505.20 
"mild cheddar"

Now with extra curves.
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 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.27 In reply to 6505.1 
Blue Stilton. I'm not actually sure what other cheeses are for.

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 From:  Cyril (TEHFISH)  
 To:  Mouse     
6505.28 In reply to 6505.21 
:O <runs>

'Now hang on a moment,' said Rincewind. 'you saying that people will believe an ape in a dress is a woman?'
'They will if you say she's Spanish'
Terry Pratchett: The Globe

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 From:  Cyril (TEHFISH)  
 To:  koswix     
6505.29 In reply to 6505.25 

on the other hand, i have smelt the most evil smelling cheese ever :O
(my french supervisor once brought in cheese to work that smelt like something had died and was left behind a radiator for a month before scraping it into a tub)


'Now hang on a moment,' said Rincewind. 'you saying that people will believe an ape in a dress is a woman?'
'They will if you say she's Spanish'
Terry Pratchett: The Globe

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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Cyril (TEHFISH)     
6505.30 In reply to 6505.29 
Which reminds me that the wierdest cheese I've tasted was that Scandinavian one that's like toffee.

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  koswix     
6505.31 In reply to 6505.23 
I note your recommendation and will pursue. Also your correction. Pedantic bugger.

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Cyril (TEHFISH)     
6505.32 In reply to 6505.29 
Stinking Bishop?

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  Gobfounded (YVE)      
6505.33 In reply to 6505.1 
Red Leicster, but I'm not a Cheese Connasieur(completely random spelling!) by any means.

Daniel Herman
Armed Technical Response
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp     
6505.34 In reply to 6505.31 
Meheh, I sell cheese for a living.

Aye, the Lanark Blue. Made in Lanarkshire (about halfway between Embra and Weegie land, and a bit south) by a bloke called Humphrey Errington (who I've met).

It's sort of like Roquefort, but far, far superior. Also give the Dunsyre Blue a whirl, another damn fine cheese. More like Gorganzola though.

See, I'm a bastard. I've got you all interested in one of my favourite cheeses, and certainly my favourite blue, and now you realy want to try it. Trouble is, it's made from ewe's milk. Ewe's only give milk at certain times, and right now is not one of them. Lanark Blue is well and truely out of season, and impossible to get.

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Darren  
 To:  koswix     
6505.35 In reply to 6505.34 
How long does it last then?

I was born with glass bones and paper skin.
I break my legs every morning and I break my arms every afternoon.
At night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
6505.36 In reply to 6505.33 
Red Leicster is realy nice, especialy on a sandwich or grilled on toast with a dash of Lee & Perrins.

It's actualy a by-product of Stilton, and was original made red with carrots. Now they use anectone die (or whatever it's called).

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  koswix     
6505.37 In reply to 6505.36 
Ooh, aye, I concur. It's also a very good nibbles cheese, too.

Daniel Herman
Armed Technical Response
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Darren     
6505.38 In reply to 6505.35 
Not long round me BOOM BOOM!

It's around for about 4 months at a time, I think.

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
6505.39 In reply to 6505.37 


My big cheese recomendations at the moment:

Cornish Yarg - slightly sour hard cheese, made by a bloke called Mr. Gray (Yarg backwards, innit) and wrapped in nettles when it's maturing. Looks mad (nettle prints on the rind) and has a realy nice flavour.

Mahon - From Menorca, named after the capital of said island. Creamy, salty and a hint of goaty-ness about it. Realy nice on a good oatcake (Orkney ones, preferably)

Tetila - From spain somewhere. So called because it looks like a tit. Not too hard, white/light yellow paste and quite lemony. It's like Gouda with attitude. My current favourite cheese.

Gubbeen - Irish, hint of camambert about it. Realy nice softish cheese. Light orange rind, fairly smelly, excelent on a sandwich with a bit of ham, preferably on walnut bread.

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  koswix     
6505.40 In reply to 6505.39 
<makes note>
I'll pass it onto my girlfriend, seeing as she likes all things cheese (No, [everyone] :@)

And I'm PB? <misses joke />

Daniel Herman
Armed Technical Response
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
6505.41 In reply to 6505.40 
(I think he was referring to your same-minute reply :P)

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 From:  LordPaul  
 To:  koswix     
6505.42 In reply to 6505.39 
Bring some cheese to Reading!!!

we can be cultured & have cheese & wine on the first night (cos I'm not touching anything too ummm mind bending that night) unless of course you have any skunk cheese - that'd rule!


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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
6505.43 In reply to 6505.41 
Ah, sheer coincidence I assure you - wouldn't dream of taking your place

Daniel Herman
Armed Technical Response
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