I did ponder this, since this is the first BSOD in the 8 months the RAM has been installed. That said, it was an error (a PTE corruption to be precise) so several possibilities 1) a fault on the drive with the virtual memory 2) a fault on the RAM where the real memory was located when the PTE was created 3) a fault on the RAM where the PTE is located or on the drive if the PTE was in virtual memory when accessed. There are other possibilities.
I checked the drive which returned no errors. Memtest and Windows Memory diagnostics returned plenty of errors. The replacement RAM returns no errors.
It's just speculation on my part, but it seems unlikely that both modules are faulty (they could be). If the faulty module was number 2 then Windows may only rarely have used faulty RAM, since windows pages memory out by design even when there's plenty of RAM available. I didn't bother testing them individually, but I may do that now.He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar