GeneralHappy Christmas Teh ????


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 From:  andy  
 To:  ALL
Hope your stockings were appropriately stuffed, and/or you appropriately stuffed someone else's stocking (yj).

I got some running shoes - eat my Christmas dust!

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We got a new webcam and signed up for Only Fans.
“Can I survive for 24 hours without GPS navigation?”
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  andy     
43078.3 In reply to 43078.1 
Merry Christmas everyone!
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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  ALL
Hope everyone had a good day and isn't too hungover and full of turkey today!

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 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  ALL
Merry Christmas to TEH!
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  andy     
43078.6 In reply to 43078.1 
I got some new slippers. Very happy.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
43078.7 In reply to 43078.6 
Slippers are good!

Mrs WmA and me bought stuff for the kitchen, and agreed to only get each other small presents. I got socks. 

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43078.8 In reply to 43078.7 
Socks are pretty underwhelming. But I get it. It gets harder every year to get something for family that they want and that doesn't cost a fortune. I miss having small kids around at Christmas that are thrilled with anything.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Linn (INDYLS)     
43078.9 In reply to 43078.8 
Not at all. I love socks. It wouldn't be Christmas without socks.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Linn (INDYLS)     
43078.10 In reply to 43078.8 
We have large kids around but it isn't the same when they're in their 30s. We had 16 people over on Boxing Day including a couple of nephews who are 4 and 6. Fun watching them play with a gyroscope toy.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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