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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  ALL
OK, I was quite happy with my Ryzen 5 3600 and 1660 Super. Then I bought the remake of Riven intending to play it over Steam link in VR. Performance was meh. If I'm honest, even with all the setting off or on low, it was disappointing. I'm not after buttery smooth 250FPS or some such, but I don't want vegetation popping up as I approach, and when it does pop up it's a couple of weeds rather than a lush meadow. Plus the inclination to suddenly go into jerky mode with black borders etc. 

So I bought an RTX 3060.  Wowzer! Much better and on decent settings with stuff turned on. But I should have realised that it was the thin end.

Now a little voice is saying, you NEED a Ryzen 7 5700x3d at least. And it's telling me all sorts of stuff about how it's a sensible move to extend the life of my AM4 board and how it'll help with my video processing as well as making Riven even more immersive.


He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.2 In reply to 43053.1 
Your money would be better spent on a years supply of mid-level scotch?
“A man with nicotine, protein, caffeine, and creatine coursing through his veins is an unstoppable force.”
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
43053.3 In reply to 43053.2 
I try to avoid spirits, much as I love a nice whisky, or gin, or even a decent pastis, due to my habit of guzzling a bottle in two or three sittings. But point taken, even though I was thinking more of a budget Ryzen than a Threadripper 7960X. 

You're right, there are better uses for money I can ill aford to waste.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.4 In reply to 43053.3 
I'm on deck for a cpu upgrade (a modest old Ryzen 5, likely) for my AM4. Still waiting for gpus to come down from the stratosphere. Also I'd have to rearrange the guts, not something I'm very fond of doing on a good day. Lots to do.  :-(
“A man with nicotine, protein, caffeine, and creatine coursing through his veins is an unstoppable force.”
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
43053.5 In reply to 43053.4 
Well, GPUs are slowly dropping in price. My RTX3060 was £200 new from an ebay seller. It's one of the compact Asus Phoenix V2 jobbies with one fan, but frankly it's got all the RAM and the right number of transistors and so on so... I know it's only a lower mid-range card these days, but it impresses me. 

One of the big surprises was trying Topaz video enhancer. A big drawback was that if I ran, say, a 40 minute TV episode through the 1660 Super, it could easily take 8 hours plus. With the 3060 this dropped to under 2 hours. In other words it's far more practical to consider running an old DVD series through it. I noticed that the GPU was loaded pretty high, but that the CPU was as well. That was one thing that made me think about getting something a bit beefier. Then I read up a bit on the Ryzen 7 5700X 3D, but frankly the 5700X is faster and cheaper, although it doesn't have all the L3 (3D) cache. It looks to be better for workplace loads even if it's slightly worse as a gaming CPU. So that might be a better choice if I go insane and upgrade.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.6 In reply to 43053.5 
Also the Ryzen 7 5700X is a 65W CPU as opposed to 105W 

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.7 In reply to 43053.6 
Also, too late...

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.8 In reply to 43053.1 
Toughy. I upgraded late last year, keeping my current motherboard/case etc. But then again, I was going from a first generation Ryzen 7 1700X to a Ryzen 7 5800X, and replacing my GeForce 1070 Ti with a GeForce RTX 4070, so both were several generations of improvements (and I doubled the RAM as well).

It would be much tougher I think to make the case for a smaller bump of CPU generation. Of course on the other side of this, you do eek out a bit more life from the mobo. If it was me, probably not worth it, but YMMV.

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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Dave!!     
43053.9 In reply to 43053.8 
YMMV is the point. I'm reasonably happy to spend a couple of hundred to enjoy two or three games properly, plus the bits and pieces of tech stuff that keep me busy. I mean, I've been buying a whole new console every few years to play Mario/Zelda so...

This is a comparatively small spend that will make a game that I played with a Cyrix 386 and a Matrox Mystique enjoyable again.

Of course, I know what you're saying and it's a perfectly sensible way to spend your cash. I think my motivation is different so the changes in the world of gaming hardware are sometimes hard to follow. I guess if I was more of a gamer I'd lean more your way. I'm more like the bloke who enjoys a driving holiday every so often and figures some new tyres and a battery might get me there.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.10 In reply to 43053.1 
If it'd make Riven more fun and immersive, and you can afford it, go for it!

My computer's limping along. My GTX1070 died a while back and I had to replace it but had no money so ended up with a big downgrade. Which is fine since 99% of what I play is stuff that could run on a raspberry pi.

I'm loathe to get a better GPU cos this PC is going to give up sometime and when that happens I've decided to get one of those Beelink mini-PC things that are basically just laptop hardware in a box. Usually using an AMD APU. Which would be fine for me and I'm very much done with dicking around with PC hardware.

I did just treat myself to a Miyoo Mini Plus*, since I had a tiny bit of spare money for the first time in like 3 years. It's on its way from China. 

* Cute little 'retro' handheld. Plays all games up to PS1. I'm not a retro gamer and I don't have much nostalgia for old games but I thought it'd be fun to play some of the old games I missed out on on a little handheld thing.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
43053.11 In reply to 43053.10 
I understand your decision to go for something like the Beelink as and when your present computer expires. I've found my last few adventures in hands-on fucking about with computers has been far less fun than it used to be. I built a tiny computer based on a mini stx motherboard a while back as opposed to buying a similar sized beast ready made. Although that was largely because I had some specific requirements, such as wanting to add two SATA HDDs to hold music plus a backup, there's no way I'd do it again. And no need to either when these days I can buy a higher spec computer that supports SATA drives for less than I spent and without the hassle of building it. Even if I wanted to to do some reasonably performance-hungry gaming, something like this would make me think twice. More than competitive with what I have now for the same price as just my CPU, GPU and RAM. Add the cost of cooling, PSU, case, drives etc. and it doesn't make sense.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.12 In reply to 43053.11 
Yeah, absolutely. Not wanting to dick around with hardware is a huge part of it. 

Also it increasingly bothers me to have all this redundant power. My 7+ year old PC is still hugely overpowered for most of what I do with it. We just have to have this potential power for *some* games. For most of what I do I'd notice no difference on an i3 and integrated graphics.

And I play so few AAA games these days (and when I do they're usually disappointing). Most of what I actually enjoy playing looks like this. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that shitty graphics are the best indicator that a game is actually going to be *fun*.

And I'm starting to care about power-draw. Not *really* out of environmental concern cos obviously I'm aware that my PC drawing a bit less is going to do fuck all there but out of an increasing sense that PCs are *good enough* and we really should be working on power consumption now. I'd rather have a passively-cooled PC than raytracing or higher refresh rates or a 4k monitor.

And I'm okay with not being able to play everything, I'm okay with missing out now and then. I'd rather have a cheaper, lower-powered, quieter PC that's less hassle than the ability to play *everything*.
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
43053.13 In reply to 43053.12 
(There's a story to that screenshot. That's UnReal World, which is a roguelike (which has been in constant development since 1991) set in iron-age pseudo-scandinavia. It's basically a hunter-gatherer sim with low magic (very low, to the point where you're never sure it's actually *doing* anything, you just feel it's probably better not to piss the gods off).

I was playing Owl Tribe for the first time and they're very small people who're not capable of carrying everything needed to survive (literally, miss one hunt in winter and you're dead). So I'd need a reindeer to carry my stuff, which I'd have to trade for at a local settlement, and reindeer are *expensive*.

I got lucky early-on and encountered a sleeping bear which I managed to kill before it did me any serious damage. I skinned it, butchered it, roasted its fat to keep me going and hung all the meat up to dry and then got to work tanning the *very valuable* pelt. Tanning and curing is a very long process and I wanted to take my time to ensure the hide was high quality. My bear fat kept me going for a long time but then I needed to hunt while the bear meat finished drying. I also made sure to hang the bear skull on a tree and do the proper ritual to thank the spirits for my good luck.

Many weeks later, when tanning and curing were done, I had a nice quality bear pelt to take to a nearby village and trade for my very first reindeer. I was so excited. It was slow progress cos I could barely carry the bear pelt alone and I was loaded up with everything I wanted to trade. I got there eventually, made my trade, and even had enough to get a nice axe and some smoked meat too. 

I took my reindeer back to camp, so fucking proud of myself. And decided to start on my next project - a kota (like a yurt) so I could properly begin my new reindeer-based nomadic life. I'd need to pop back to town for a few things which I should've got the first time but forgot in my excitement. No big deal. I'd heard wolves on my way there so decided to leave my reindeer at camp. I knew to tether it to a tree so it wouldn't wander off, in a place with plenty of grazing. I'm not an *idiot*.

Set off back for town, it'd be a quick trip now I was travelling light, super excited to start my new nomadic life. Aaaand got back to camp to find this.

I was genuinely fucking heartbroken.)
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
43053.14 In reply to 43053.13 
I guess images used to be smaller.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
43053.15 In reply to 43053.14 
Aha! You managed to edit the post while I walked from my laptop to my desktop in another room to see if it would fit on a bigger monitor.

For some reason I have never got into rougelikes. I don't know why, they're true to the style of the very earliest adventure games since before computers were a thing, so they're doing something right. 

Anyway, just think how fab that game would be rewritten. I mean, the name says it all, UnReal World on the Unreal Engine, with an  i9 14900KF and an RTX4090 plus 64GB of DDR5 TBH.

I sort of agree. And yes, for environmental reasons as much as anything, and for my electricity bills. I think things like bitcoin and now AI have been a fucking disaster. And gaming doesn't help. Every time Nintendo has a new game that runs on its underpowered Switch platform is a bonus. 

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43053.16 In reply to 43053.15 
I'm kinda sick of roguelikes. Or I'm sick of very game *being* roguelike(/lite). Every new cool looking RPG and I'm like I'll play that... oh, it's roguelike. I want to get lost in games, not start from scratch every few hours.

URW gets a pass cos it's really a survival game where you can't quicksave which is a *bit* different. 

I enjoy roguelikes now and then but I don't want *everything* to be roguelike.

And hah, a first person remake of URW would actually be amazing.

And yeah, amen to AI And crypto being fucking stupid.
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