Music, Film, TV & BooksGaslit (2022) TWR


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 To:  william (WILLIAMA)     
43040.6 In reply to 43040.5 
I guess sociopathy is its own motivation. MrsD. and I were debating whether you could tell if someone is criminal or dangerous from a photo, media stereotypes, and ethnic factors in appearance that have been cast as movie villains, after a news story about a locally wanted serial killer suspect. I already 'knew' he was a suspect (from the story), but thought he looked pretty scary, albeit in a classic mugshot (he was smirking eerily, I thought). Mrs. said he looks like her cousins, who are/were at worst, stoners and layabouts.
"Three million malware-infected smart toothbrushes used in Swiss DDoS attacks"
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
43040.7 In reply to 43040.1 
This looks right up my alley, thanks.
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