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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)   
 To:  Matt     
42987.5 In reply to 42987.4 
Thank you for the repair work.

Yes, it's a curious world. I don't want to point a finger at any streaming service in particular, especially as they're all a bunch of bastards. That said, Netflix has a reputation for commissioning shiny new shows when their overall numbers are down, but only giving them one or two seasons. They're prepared to invest to draw people in, but not to keep investing after that. The OA, that I mentioned before, had high audience figures throughout, and approval ratings from critics and viewers up in the 80% plus range, but it was still cancelled. One might be forgiven for thinking that they never intended to go beyond two seasons. Correct that if you will.

He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)      
42987.6 In reply to 42987.1 
I'm never sure how to judge whether something is a "favourite" or simply "a show I liked", but in any case I can't think of any with examples that fit your criteria for either.

I recently endured the UK version of House of Cards, the ending of that was naff, but then so was the whole thing. *shrug*

The most recent show I enjoyed watching was The Wire; I'm sad it ended, but not with how it ended. Though the "start" sequence (which occurs 3-5 minutes in) seemed endless at times...

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 From:  milko  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)      
42987.7 In reply to 42987.1 
I think I remember being sad that Dungeons and Dragons (the 80s cartoon series) never ended, but I might be confusing memory with reading about it later on in life. I definitely liked watching it, anyway.
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