Day before yesterday got home from the office and found my dev server down. OK, probably a power out. Repeated attempts to power it back up failed. I thought aha! dead cmos battery (the pc is really old), went out bought a new battery at the drugstore, stuffed it in, still didn't power on. Then it occurred to me, the psu fan wasn't spinning up anymore. OK, the psu is dead or some such (a couple of leds on the mb light up but that's it). PSU is probably irreplaceable on the weirdo SFF hpaq office pc. Moved onto the next hpaq office pc. Wouldn't power on, at all. Moved on to my most recent previous pc, an old AM2 minitower. Pretty sure that would work! Nooooo. Powered up with repeated long beeps, and no post. After re-learning the mb model and bios, I discovered this means a hsf/overheating issue. Sho' nuff when I popped the case the hsf was flopping loose on the mount where a small plastic tab had broken off. The one that the hsf attaches to. FUCK! I can buy a replacement mount online fairly cheaply, but I'm considering replacing the mb instead. In the meantime, I do not have a standalone development server.*
*I was able to pull the drive and recover all files from the server. At least."What is Hamas, and why did it attack Israel now?" |