Music, Film, TV & BooksTenet


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 From:  milko  
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I finally watched this the other night. I quite enjoyed it really! But I wasn't taking it particularly seriously mind you. I quite enjoyed the soundtrack, and watching things going forwards and backwards and everything looked very swish and stylish. Like a Bond movie crossed with Inception. And not very much smarter than a Bond movie either. Tina and I had a pretty good hit rate at predicting what would happen next, it's rather clichéd at times. The obvious intentional cues like the smashed wing mirror are fun too in a very similar way.

By the way in the post above you say Interplanetary but I think you mean Interstellar, right?

People who think a metaphysics expert is needed should probably not watch Primer.
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 From:  william (WILLIAMA)   
 To:  milko     
42875.5 In reply to 42875.4 
I did mean Interstellar. Only a few trillion miles difference.

Primer is fun.

I don't deny that Tenet has a slick production and can be nice to look at, but... Yeah, there are dozens of time-travel films around, and pretty much all of the ideas in Tenet are covered, and the ones that aren't turn out to be sort of daft after a moment's thought. Like inverted bullets. Compare that with the astonishing but awful 'death of Seth' in Looper. That's a twisty (and twisted) time travel idea.


He May Be Your Dog But He's Wearing My Collar

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 From:  milko  
 To:  william (WILLIAMA)      
42875.6 In reply to 42875.5 
Yeah, I can't remember Looper properly, will get around to a rewatch of that sometime I'm sure. Absolutely wouldn't bother myself trying to defend Tenet, no worries.
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