SoftwareApple are useless, greedy fucks


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So here I am back in the office. There's been some gear shuffling, specifically displays. My old, G5 (ppc!) mac shares one with my main workhorse Ubuntu pc. With separate kb, mouse. PITA.

Turns out there's this thing *even ppc macs* have, called "Apple Remote Desktop" for *screen sharing*.

Turns out to get this software on my 27" iMac, I'd have to pony up >hundred bucks :-@ . (read the reviews in the Apple Store ... not pretty!)

W.T. actual F.?

Turns out there is other, free software that does the exact same thing called [drumroll ...] "Screen Sharing." 

"When I'm struggling to edit down to a word count I hyphenate all the words in a sentence and then make the font colour of all the hyphens white."
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 From:  Dave!!  
42800.2 In reply to 42800.1 
Until recently, Apple supported a free tool called "Back To My Mac". They dropped it earlier this year, but maybe see if you can find it somewhere?

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 To:  Dave!!     
42800.3 In reply to 42800.2 
I installed the screen sharing (vnc client) and it worked straight up. Problem solved.
"When I'm struggling to edit down to a word count I hyphenate all the words in a sentence and then make the font colour of all the hyphens white."
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