I was running low on my photo partition, so when I went to move some to an archive partition I realized even my newest hdd (1TB) was looking pretty full up with games I never really cottoned to (in some cases not even started). Now I have enough overhead for new games, which I plan to try to be a bit more selective in installing.
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What have you removed? I'm interested in knowing what you found frustrating and what the deal breakers were: hard to master controls, non-engaging or slow moving story, crashes/bugs etc.
Swept: FC New Dawn - reskinned FC5 with teletubby opponents; LFD1&2 - on rails, overplayed already; FC Primal - no guns; Dying Light - 'open world' on rails, boring zombies; GTAV - couldn't get my head around it; Ghost Recon something - 3rd person; Watch Dogs - ditto + fidgety controls; Wolfenstein The Old Blood - on rails, stupid zombies and robots; couple of others not worth mentioning.
Kept: Dead Island + riptide - sentimental favourites not played in quite a while, FC 3, 4 & 5 - FC5 has a steady stream of high quality user-made "Arcade" maps + nearly infinite variety of terrain/combat situations *after* finishing all the missions, some of which are very dumb and frustrating; Insurgency - frenetic combat model a somewhat closer approximation of reality (I guess), haven't played in quite a while.
I think that's it. If I had bigger drives I might have kept some of these on board, even though it is highly unlikely I would have played them again.
As to your last point, none of these games had bugs or crashing.
Sony Apologies for Choosing Japan Invasion Date for Camera Launch
You couldn't get your head around GTAV? I find I'm very picky about games these days, and have deleted a fair few myself. But I have to admit I did thoroughly enjoy that one!
I found the characters and scenery relatively primitive and dated, so that was un-engaging. I didn't put a lot of work into learning how to play, it's true. The driving all over hell's half-acre in heavy traffic to perform some petty deed was kind of annoying. Also I died too many times.
Sony Apologies for Choosing Japan Invasion Date for Camera Launch