Did you notice I said we’ve the same problems here? It seems not.
I guess I did. Sorry for that. I've been pretty busy at my new job since early November, so sometimes I do miss things nearer the end of the day because I am pretty worn out. I'll have to watch that in the future.
I don’t really care what religion somebody has so long as they don’t try to tell others how to live, it is a bit of a shame that fundamentalist christians often do that, same as its a shame when fundamentalist anythings do.
You talking about the Bible Thumpers? Yes, they do have a rather Church-Ladyish way about them; often they are also quite hypocritical, as was the guy I worked with years ago who would tell people what they shouldn't do, but there was always a good reason why he should be allowed to do a similar given thing.
I think Obama was a tragically missed opportunity to do a lot better, plenty of shit happened under his watch. Far too much appeasing Republicans there, plus more drones, blah blah.
I'm not sure Obama did much appeasing at all to Republicans, after all, he had about 22 months total when the Democrats had the balance of power. He just took his eye off the ball, and was too busy with Fast and Furious, Solyndra, and the Obamacare debacle. We don't have National insurance here because Big Insurance and Big Pharma are too powerful. You do know that those two wrote Obamacare, right? Insurance companies were never going to let a bunch of lawmakers tell them how to make their bajillions, neither would Big Pharma. I tried buying Obamacare, but it was going to cost me 260% more than what I was paying, and for all that, I was responsible for the first $12,000 dollars in office visits. Sorry, but I am not paying out over $7,000.00 and then have to shell out up to 12 grand more just to subsidise people who don't have insurance. I don't know what the answer could be, but it wasn't Obamacare.
You have really shitty healthcare that costs you more for worse outcomes, but fight so very hard to stop anybody fixing it!
If that's the case, why do we have so many people coming here from foreign countries for healthcare? I know it is true, because I did medical transports for five years, and people who spoke not one word of English were getting free rides and free medical care: dialysis, COPD treatments, diabetes care, hypertension/heart disease, government-provided wheelchairs, and custom transportation to specialists all over the area, particularly in Philadelphia. As a matter of fact, one of the oldest hospitals in Philadelphia (Hahnemann), because of its patient load of mostly government-paid services, closed because they couldn't survive. In many cases, they came from quite affluent neighbourhoods.
This topic seems to be making you a lot angrier than anybody else so I don’t really want to yank your chain, peace!
Not at all, but I am passionate about the country I live in. I don't mind at all having discussion in the political vein, but I do detect quite a bit of a superior attitude from some, who - despite not living here all their lives - seem to think they know an awful lot about America and Americans, and like to lump all Americans into the same category. Well, we are all different, and I do not appreciate the labelling by some who think they know all the American ills, with the seeming attitude that England is perfect, I'm not angry with any of you, but I don't understand the British habit of looking down your noses at Americans. I don't feel that way at all about the British, probably because I am British in part - my mother having been born in Southampton in 1943, coming here in '47. My grandmother told us wonderful stories of her time in England, and I would love to be able to revisit sometime, see her home town and track down my great-grandfather Thomas Holmyard's (Mad Thos) stone carvings. He also carved some quite elaborate picture frames in rosewood which I l would love to see, if possible. I'm told that one of them actually is hanging in one of the cathedrals, and I'd like to verify that and see it.
Anyway, the problem with politics is it is too political, and the politically connected have their own, separate life from the rest of us, their own rules. They are robbing us blind, only fighting for their own survival. That's why Trump won in 2016, because he was an outsider. Well, Biden ain't an improvement, even if he isn't a brash talker. Biden is up to his ears in cronyism, and his debt to foreign governments will not serve America well - if he even remembers the arrangements.
Did you ever see such a messed up situation in your whole life, son? |