GeneralWhat are we all doing for a living?


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 From:  ANT_THOMAS   
 To:  milko     
42608.82 In reply to 42608.80 
That sounds utterly shit. I can only hope they are being pressured from above on their sides, but it is often the case they just have no consideration for the people down the chain.

I think returning for a couple of days a week might be a good balance, but currently I've said if it is encouraged or does happen then I'd want to move back to our old office in a different part of the building so there's at least some isolation/separation across teams/site.
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 To:  graphitone     
42608.83 In reply to 42608.81 
quote: graphitoneI didn't think I ever would, but I'm missing the commute into work. A 10 minute walk to the station, 20min journey and another 15min walk to get to the office offers a bit of mental space, some thinking and contemplation time, while also being able to zone out and just listen to some music.

I kind of miss it, though more from being tired of only seeing my little suburban neighborhood and missing the bustle of down town. OTOH I have a splendid balcony to relax on, which I do quite often throughout the day -- that's something I don't have at the office, and will sorely miss once it all starts back up.

“Pointing the finger about reality TV suicides is irresponsible”
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS   
 To:  graphitone     
42608.84 In reply to 42608.81 
I was definitely having that issue of my home office being my "workshop" or whatever I'd want to call it, so my work day became my hobbies and I'd be in the same room for most of the day.

Can't remember if I mentioned on here, but at the end of April I changed my isolation location to my (relatively new) girlfriend's house. Made a "bubble" before it was allowed I guess. She's furloughed and was living alone, I was WFH and living alone. My mental health was definitely suffering being on my own with effectively no human contact at all. There's a chance she may return to work next month after today's announcements (at a guess) so I'll move back home at that point then return to the seeing each other like we had before that.

She's had the threat of redundancy which obviously isn't good at all. I think the first couple of months have been as okay as they can be for her as we knew it wouldn't be over quickly so she concentrated on hobbies and enjoying the sun, but with the potential redundancy and the lack of clarity on her place reopening (she works at a National Trust site which is on the last phase for reopening) it's made the recent couple of weeks more difficult.

We have a daily video call for the office staff/management team. Then after that my team have have a smaller video call. Definitely getting similar feelings as you from some colleagues, one said basically the same with regards to just being able to get in his car and drive to work, misses that. Also the days when WFH can extend more than they should.

Still don't envy anyone doing this with young kids.
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS      
42608.85 In reply to 42608.84 

Aye, I've got two kids running around the house. 

I'm pretty sure they're mine. :|

Getting them to do any school work is tricky, when I'm at home with them. I can't really get away from my desk for any length of time during the working day, a lot of what I do relies on being on the phone. 

It has been easier over the past few weeks, Clare's a teacher and has only been in 2 days a week, so they've been able to catch up with work when she's been at home, but she's back to work full time now. I really don't want to send the kids to school (even though we've both got key worker status), for their sake and mine. So we're going to give them work to do during the day, but once they finish it, they kinda have to slob around until we both finish work. 
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 From:  patch  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS      
42608.86 In reply to 42608.79 
We've technically stopped the whole bubble thing over here - our Level 1 precautions mean life is back to normal but the borders are closed to non-residents/citizens, and anyone who does fly in is isolated in a hotel for 2 weeks. There's been a big shouting match recently because it turns out people were allowed to leave the isolation early (on compassionate grounds, mainly, but sometimes just for the hell of it, it seems), and a lot of those people weren't tested before or even during their government-mandated hotel stay. They've put the army in charge of it now, and things seem to be running much more to plan.

Since there's no official requirement for social distancing any more, work is also back to normal. We've been getting very mixed messages from our management - "You all did really well during lockdown and have proved that we can work remotely and still bring in new business" and "Everyone is encouraged to be back in the office, because face to face interaction is very important" and "Keep using our fantastic video conferencing technology to talk to your colleagues and customers, because we've proved we don't have to be in the same room to be effective and productive".

Personally, I enjoyed working from home and not having to go and deal with people all the time, but at the same time I kind of missed the personal contact a little bit. I'm hoping that when management finally get round to making a formal decision on the company's new position on remote working, that I'll be able to spend half the week at home, and the other half of the week in the office reminding myself how much I despise my colleagues and how happy I am at home.

Mind you, I'd also like it to go back to how quiet it was during lockdown. Especially given how close I live to a motorway at the moment.
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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS      
42608.87 In reply to 42608.84 
I've said this a few times over the years and I don't think people believe me, but WFH isn't all that for all people.

I did a year of primary WFH back in 2016 and really didn't get on with it. I did it again last year, but with a proper office (Proper desk, multi monitors etc) and it was better but by the end I realised that I'm just more suited to being with people. Ironically, I was actually looking forward to getting a new contract which would likely be office based - then COVID happened.

The option of WFH is great, not driving 90 minutes or something is great but I need the balance. You can do lots of things to improve WFH and for some/many people it might be enough.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
42608.88 In reply to 42608.87 
I agree Dan. We're all very open and mutually supportive at my workplace and two of my colleagues are acknowledging real mental health issues with WFH. Both are, by nature, very gregarious, which I'm sure plays a part in their cases.

Suits me down to the ground, mind - one of my colleagues called me 'the Bear Grylls of isolation' because I'm temperamentally really comfortable with it. Which probably means I'm an antisocial bastard with lots of strategies for wasting time.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS   
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
42608.89 In reply to 42608.87 
For me daily video calls with my team are essential. My boss has returned to the office today, but won't be full time. I think he felt like he needed to show his face as a senior manager, rather than actually needing to be on site, possibly a bit of pressure from above.

Similar to what Throb has said, he's a very outgoing and social person and has been struggling with the remote working to some extent.

I think for me now with there being no formal return date it feels never ending to some extent, that I'm probably struggling with a bit. As the days go on I feel like I want to be in the office maybe a couple of days a week.

Also, since I've moved my lockdown location I've only spent one night at home every 2 weeks for the past 2 months. I think that's getting to me a bit. 
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 To:  Manthorp     
42608.90 In reply to 42608.88 
“Rarely is the question asked, is our students learning?”
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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS      Manthorp     
42608.91 In reply to 42608.89 
quote: Manthorp
I agree Dan. We're all very open and mutually supportive at my workplace and two of my colleagues are acknowledging real mental health issues with WFH. Both are, by nature, very gregarious, which I'm sure plays a part in their cases.

Suits me down to the ground, mind - one of my colleagues called me 'the Bear Grylls of isolation' because I'm temperamentally really comfortable with it. Which probably means I'm an antisocial bastard with lots of strategies for wasting time.
Yep, that figures. I'm reasonably happy in my own space but I've been consulting for near enough 10 years now (WTF?) and I've really come to enjoy the face to face side. I'm not particularly extroverted I don't think, but I do genuinely enjoy going places, meeting people, lunches, dinners etc. I find it's great for building relationships but also just good fun.
For me daily video calls with my team are essential. My boss has returned to the office today, but won't be full time. I think he felt like he needed to show his face as a senior manager, rather than actually needing to be on site, possibly a bit of pressure from above.

Similar to what Throb has said, he's a very outgoing and social person and has been struggling with the remote working to some extent.

I think for me now with there being no formal return date it feels never ending to some extent, that I'm probably struggling with a bit. As the days go on I feel like I want to be in the office maybe a couple of days a week.

Also, since I've moved my lockdown location I've only spent one night at home every 2 weeks for the past 2 months. I think that's getting to me a bit. 

Yeah, it's all just dragging a LOT now. It certainly doesn't help that a lot of the niceness of WFH isn't here, either. Before lock down my kid had just started school and the wife and I had started doing some nice lunches and stuff which was working for me!

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  ALL
Unlikely I'll be back in the office till schools go back in August. Have sort of offered to go in for a few half days for some training and whatnot, but the pressure is really on us from higher up to get everyone back in the office and making money. They seem to have missed the bit where the rest of our industry is on its arse and also mostly working from home, so whether we're there or not there's not much to be done.

I'm quite a bit sick of lock down - i had a proper breakdown* when they confirmed schools here are shut till August - but I'm also really nervous/anxious about going back in to the office. 

*drank all the booze and spent the thick end of a grand on a drone to play with >.< On the plus side the drone has really made me get off my arse and get out and about more, been out on a few big walks with it that I otherwise wouldn't have, both with family and on my own. Climbing up a hill at sunset on your own is very mind clearing.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 To:  koswix     
42608.93 In reply to 42608.92 
Post some footage. I find drones fascinating but also scary as a creative tool, kind of like cgi - overpowering and dehumanizing (because of the alien perspective).*

*IOW, never played with one.
“260,000 sign petition to block film starring Paris Jackson as Jesus”
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 From:  koswix  
42608.94 In reply to 42608.93 
This was first 'proper' flight somewhere nice. 

No idea what I'm doing when it comes to flying, filming, editing or colour grading yet. As you can tell  :-O~~~

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 To:  koswix     
42608.95 In reply to 42608.94 
That is fucking ace! Well done. (I only watched the first 40-seconds because work, will come back to)
“260,000 sign petition to block film starring Paris Jackson as Jesus”
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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  koswix     
42608.96 In reply to 42608.94 
Nice. When are you going to film something that's not in your back garden? :J
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  graphitone     
42608.97 In reply to 42608.96 
Soon, hopefully. We're allowed to travel more than 5 miles as of today. We're off up to the highlands for a week in the middle of nowhere on the 15th, so weather permitting I'm hoping to see some nice things with the drone.

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If Feds call you and say something bad on me, it may prove what I said are truth, they are afraid of it.
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 From:  Metteo (METTEOMERCATALE)  
 To:  ALL
We are doing nothing for the society but creating mess due to tinu personal issues or for increaing our personal wealth. Society could have been much better we have not seen such ugly, cruel and miser kind of people. We all should remain humble for the sake of our future. In this insecure world i would always care about my security even more for living a good secure life and therefore i always use antivirus. I would recommend avg or avast as they are not only enriched with many great security features but they are also cheap compare to many big names.

APPROVED: 27 Jul 2020 22:37 by MILKO

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 From:  graphitone  
 To:  Metteo (METTEOMERCATALE)     
42608.99 In reply to 42608.98 
That's your living? 

How are you drawing a salary from that?
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 To:  graphitone     
42608.100 In reply to 42608.99 
Somebody's gotta do it.
“Florida is a study in abnormal psychology, useful in signaling the … hidden derangements of the national mood.” – Fortune magazine, 1948
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 From:  milko  
 To:  ALL
It’s an odd one, that’s for sure. 
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