Haha, that sounds dangerous. Did you fall flat on your arse? :D VR can have some bizarre effects. I've nearly fallen over bending down and trying to stabilise myself on a nearby wall. There's a bar in Alyx and I really wanted to take a seat and pour myself a drink.
I do have A Chair in a Room but I haven't got very far. I found it a little frustrating, partly the Index controllers trying to emulate the Vive controllers. When Alyx is done I will try it again.
Have you got to chapter 7 yet? :O Oh my god that is some tense crazy shit going on! I had to take a break at one point and lots of swearing!
I haven't found the game particularly difficult. The enemies are pretty predictable (combine are mostly shoot, pause, shoot), head crabs are less jumpy and slower that they used to be, and J*** **********.