CodingDumping WP database content into Word?


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 To:  Jo (JELLS)      
42382.2 In reply to 42382.1 
WP hard codes paths into the database, which is usually the cause of breakage when trying to move or rebuild a WP site IME (assuming it's not a straight up password or hash issue). You can open the *.sql file into a text editor and do a global search & replace to fix the paths. This may or may not work, but it's usually pretty fast to try it out.

Do you have phpMyAdmin in cpanel? That's what I use to dump the db to a local file and re-import it.
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)   
42382.3 In reply to 42382.2 
Do you have phpMyAdmin in cpanel?

Yes, we do.

I honestly don't understand anything else you said in your reply because I don't know anything about this stuff. I wouldn't have any clue what to do a search for or what to try to fix. I just want to see the content of my posts, so that I can copy paste the ones I want to keep into something else, maybe even another blog at some point. I realize that dumping the content of the post table would be just one big mess with no formatting and such, but I don't care -- as long as I'd be able to go through the content and find the ones worth keeping.

I don't know how to explain the broken part of what happened to the blog. I first noticed, after not having logged into it for months, that it wouldn't let me create new posts. As in, when I clicked on "New", no text box would appear for me to enter any content. I could enter a title, but there was no box for any text. I could edit existing posts just fine, but not create new ones.

Then the blog just stopped showing up. You'd go to the URL and get a page that said "Hmmm we're having trouble finding that site" (at least in Firefox). When we tried using the database backup on a clean install, it did the same thing -- as if there was no blog there at all.
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 To:  Jo (JELLS)      
42382.4 In reply to 42382.3 
Yeah there are several possible causes: there's a .htaccess that needs to be fixed because your hosting service changed paths around; WP update; WP update with incompatible plugins, somebody hacked it.

WP is notoriously insecure because it is so popular, and they attempt to beat this with frequent updates, but that creates its own set of problems. So people don't update it (this is less of a problem with WordPress hosting).

It's possible but somewhat less likely the db is corrupted.

Anyway, if you open phpMyAdmin, look for your database in the lefthand column, click on it, and then in the top menu of phpMyAdmin, click on "export", choose the defaults, and it will (probably) give you a stock web browser download dialog so you can save the file to your computer.

Then you can open it in any text editor (even Word) and sort through it to find your posts in plain text among a bunch of sql markup code.
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 To:  Jo (JELLS)      
42382.5 In reply to 42382.3 
This just occurred to me: "Hmmm we're having trouble finding that site," which doesn't sound like WP breakage per se (the other stuff you mentioned does) -- any chance the domain expired, or is pointing to the wrong ip address? Did you try talking to your hosting provider help folks?
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)   
42382.6 In reply to 42382.5 
The domain has since expired, but at the time (last fall) it had not. And when we tried recently with a fresh install, it was on a sub-domain on my husband's site, so that wasn't the issue either.
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 To:  Jo (JELLS)      
42382.7 In reply to 42382.6 
Then it's very likely the hard-coded paths in the database are still pointing to the expired domain, so it can't find it. If you try to swap in the new domain by search and replace in the db .sql file, and then import it over the old db using phpMyAdmin, you might be able to get it up and running. You will also might need to take a look at the .htaccess file. It might be ok, unless it's got the old domain in it.
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